Virtual Development
Virtual Classes
Virtual Support
In-Class Training
Training Overview

I’ve taught technical classes ranging from 1 on 1 sessions, live software class sizes troubleshooting 50 end users, and virtual training sessions with hundreds of concurrent users in separate geographic locations.  I have a live class recording excerpt here to listen to.  I also have proprietary live virtual training classes available to watch upon request.

Systems Training

Live classes contained technical content developed for different end user roles.  Each end user took around 20 hours of classes before they were allowed to use the software on go-live.  Each day of class involved 5- 8 hours of speaking at a relatively fast pace in order to provide an overview of the material with the time allotted.  In addition to delivering the content per credentialed training standards, live classes involved on the fly troubleshooting end user issues, tracking questions and updating the LMS.

Virtual Training

I taught my first virtual class 20 years ago, and have many continued years of managing and delivering technical training online.

Live class recording excerpt : Labor and Delivery Stork live class
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